Thursday, March 28, 2019


I have created a new collection of SPIFFNOTES for my books.  Each book will now have a "condensed" version available for your reading pleasure.  These will be little mini-blurbs even more concise than the conventional Book Jacket blurb. 

Girl visits 1962 World's Fair. Takes pictures.
1901. Queen Victoria dies. So does a pet. Five little sisters mourn.
Christmas.  The sisters put on a play and eat Figgy Pudding.
Spicer Family bakes Christmas cookies. Shares them. (Recipes!!)
Gnarled Roots. Garbled Words. Explore!
Lost "intensity" and other angsty things.
Enjoy life.  Even the dregs!!
Sonnets. Love poems. Whimsical musings by Stan
Get gas. Eat. Suitcase comes apart.
Murder on Amtrak. Zanyness in and around Kalama.
And Don't Forget:
All my books are available for
purchase on amazon.